There are some differences between Korean educational system and Canada educational system. One difference is Korean educational system is more complex then Canada educational system because a lot of Korean work hard and study hard for future job or university. Many of them end up being in a good job as in doctors or Lawyers. People like to study hard in Korea but in Canada starting from elementary school to high school they like to Play and learn life by doing part time job. Other differences are In Korea; Teacher like to focus on their studies because they want student to sucess in life. On the other hands People in Canada, They don't study until high school but in University or college they study really hard. There are a lot of people who doesn't want to study all around the world but in Korea, there are most people who want to study since when their pre kindergarten. on the other hand Canadian people like to enjoy and study later. That doesn't mean people who study is smarter than people who doesn't study. Although they don't study, Canadian children learn their manners or how to be nice to other children or people.
Another differences between Korean educational system and Canada educational system are in Korea, they learn too much about their math or other subjects like stuff that we don't use in life In the other hand Canadian learn useful resources. Korean high schools are tough and hard but they teach not useful math or not existing life math whether in Canada they teach really useful math in real life. Korean math are not useful in the real word they learn complex stuff. A lot of high school student in Korea have to study really hard math that not ordinary Canadian can solve. In the other word, Canadian math’s are very realistic and use in many different ways. A lot of high school students in Korea can't sleep but a lot of high school people in Canada can sleep. High school students in Korea can't sleep because they have a lot of homework to do and other things to do for example, Academy and other sort of stuff they don't really enjoy. In the other hand Canadian high school students can sleep and do a lot of fun things when they are in high school. Korean moms are really tough because they don't like Korean high school students want to play whatever they want all they do is study. In contrast Canadian moms are very open about high school students hang around with their friend. There are differences between Korean educational system and Canadian educational system but all around the world, If people study they can go to good university, If people who don't study go to bad university or college. Depend on the student is trying to work hard or not